A Year of Children, Youth and Family Ministry
Check out the new calendar of events for our diocesan children, youth, and family ministries. Existing programs have been transitioned safely to a virtual platform and we are excited to offer four new ones:
* Junior Youth Connections (virtual youth group for those aged 10-13 years) Virtual monthly meetings; click here for the dates.
* The Table - a monthly Zoom gathering for those aged 20 years and older. The group meets to discuss and explore trending topics, life's big questions and spirituality. This casual evening promises to bring laughs, new friends, a sense of community and a safe place to talk. Click here for the dates and time.
* YLTP - the Youth Leadership Training Program is a three year leadership training opportunity to equip young people to take an active leadership role within their parishes and communities as group leaders, committee members, etc. Once you're accepted into Year One (with 12 youth), you're automatically registered for Years Two and Three.
* Why Believe? - For youth interested in exploring the connection between faith and everyday life, that may lead to confirmation; All program participants must complete and submit this Program Registration Form per program.
For more information about these and other programs or resources, contact:
Sarah Bird (Program Consultant,, CYFM)
905-527-1316 x430
Bishop's Lenten Books for 2022
This year, Bishop Susan Bell has chosen to recommend two books for Lent: Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katharine Hayhoe and A Spirituality of Fundraising by Henri Nouwen.
"My two choices for Lenten books are my attempt to redirect our attention to some other deep concerns," says Bishop Susan Bell. "Not that the pandemic is over or not important – but that we must begin to live with its rhythms – and other things must now regain their importance in our hearts and minds."
In Saving Us, Katharine Hayhoe extends an invitation to all of us to engage in small but meaningful conversations with family, friends, and neighbours that connect our shared values and move us to collective action. She maintains that “using our voice is the most important way we can effect change” and the book coaches us in effectively speaking with one another and in so doing, changing the world.
A Spirituality of Fundraising captures Henri Nouwen’s deep-seated belief that “fundraising is first and foremost a form of ministry”; that the discipline of stewardship is about us being invited to participate in the building of God’s community of love. Nouwen’s reframing of our relationship with money is life changing for individuals and for faith communities.
January 18, 2022 —DAY 1
"We observed his star in the East" (Mt 2:2)
January 19, 2022 —DAY 2
"Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?" (Mt 2:2)
January 20, 2022 —DAY 3
"When king Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him" (Mt 2:3)
January 21, 2022 —DAY 4
"And you, Bethlehem... are by no means least" (Mt 2:6)
January 22, 2022 —DAY 5
"Ahead of them went the star that they had seen at its rising" (Mt 2:9)
January 23, 2022 —DAY 6
"They saw the child with Mary his mother, and they knelt down and paid him homage" (Mt 2:11)
January 24, 2022 —DAY 7
"Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh" (Mt 2:11)
January 25, 2022 —DAY 8
"They left for their own country by another road" (Mt 2:12)
For the daily themes, Scripture readings, reflections and prayers, press the link bellow:
Primate and National Indigenous
Archbishop to host Sunday prayer service for B.C.
November 21 (Sunday) at 5.30 pm, 2021
Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls and National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop Mark MacDonald will host A Vigil for British Columbia. The vigil will be an online national prayer service to lift up all those who have been impacted by the devastating floods experienced recently in the province. Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon released a joint statement yesterday, noting that many “are still living in urgent situations following the extreme rainfall these past few days, stranded, evacuated from their homes, living without power”.
Canterbury Hill's a Forever Memory
Registration Open
Canterbury Hills Virtual Camp registration is now open. Bring the magic of Canterbury Hills right to the comfort of your own home. Each week will offer a variety of activities that encourage spiritual growth, independent play, creativity, and exploration, with opportunities to connect and share with staff and fellow campers. View the dates and themes of each week here to pick the right session for your camper! Each week will also include a virtual group campfire and chapel sessions!
To register, visit the Canterbury Hills website.
Pen Pals
Canterbury Hills Camp is excited to launch a new pen pal program. Campers will be matched with another participant of similar age and interests. Your camper will then receive five pre-addressed, stamped envelopes, and conversation starter cards. What a fun opportunity to meet a new friend who could even become a cabin mate in an upcoming summer! This will be an add on program that is accessible to campers registered in any of the 2021 summer sessions. Select this option while registering online. The pen pal program comes with a one-time $10 fee.
Cursillo Learners Workshop
Saturdays March 13, 20, 27 from 1:00-4.30 pm
All are welcome to register for this Cursillo Learners Workshop taking place via Zoom on Saturdays March 13, 20, 27 from 1:00-4:30pm. Three days of prayer, talks, worship, and an Ultreya (sharing our faith) is presented by Canadian Anglican Cursillo Secretariat (CACS) and hosted by Niagara Huron Anglican Cursillo at no cost to participants.
This is an opportunity to hear about the vision of the founder, deepen our commitment to Christ, and get a clear understanding of our role to make the movement an effective instrument in the evangelization of environments. The workshop has been developed to be relevant for today's world.
Click here for the registration form. Registration deadline: March 6, 2021.
Christmas Eve
Join Us For
Worship Service
Join us as we celebrate God's goodness through
worship, praise and fellowship!